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About Me

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After graduating with a first-class business degree, I joined a market leading global tech organisation, which provided early experience of life inside a fast-paced, results driven corporate environment. Moving into an HR leadership role with responsibility for leadership development gave me personal insight into the qualities and habits of successful senior leaders – and  some common career derailers to watch out for.


At 29, I took the opportunity of an unexpected restructure to leave fulltime employment and start working for myself. Working from my spare room (ahead of the curve before home working was even ‘a thing’!) I started Change Unlimited, a leadership development consultancy which continues today. As a business owner I've experienced starting up, scaling up, keeping going – through a house self-build, two pregnancies, professional study, a financial recession, divorce and a global pandemic. I’m pretty sure I’ve experienced every form of hybrid working there is.


Outside of work, I live with my partner in rural Wiltshire with several grown up kids, dogs and chickens between us. We are AirBnB superhosts with a living space that allows busy people the peace and quiet to recharge. I enjoy armchair investing and manage a portfolio of shares for myself and brave family members. To relax, I like keeping myself fit, gardening, catching up with friends,  and channel hopping property programmes.

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